Monday, December 20, 2010

Home Interview

I think I'm nervous. I woke up at 4 a.m. this morning, running through the list of the things I need to finish today before the home interview.

I have now scrubbed my home clean. Wiped down the kitchen cabinets, cleaned the stove, shampooed the carpet throughout my condo, and dusted EVERYWHERE.

I had to pull myself from the ledge and refrain from power-washing the siding outside. It's too cold.

I think I'm cleaning so much to avoid sitting still and thinking. How invasive will this interview be? And how honest will I be?

It's going down at 1:30.

Ed. Note. Turns out I was really excited about this interview. So excited that I imagined it occurring earlier than scheduled. It's going down NEXT Monday. Wow. I need to get myself together.