Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Purpose

I'm growing closer and closer to my purpose. My latest (foster) teen that ran away nearly 3 weeks ago was captured last night by the police.

I spent all day Friday negotiating her return with the 7 social workers who weren't able to talk to one another, etc. etc. In fact, I was the person that notified her parents.

I could go in depth about this - about how her biological mother had near-daily onversations with her, while teen was a runaway. But I'm too tired.

Long story short: The police found her and her twin yesterday. My twin was returned to DSS care. I retrieved her last night.

But today, while I attended an 8 hour training, my teen left. Again. I'm giving her 1 hour (until midnight) to meet her 11:30 curfew.

But trust. I am not holding my breath.


  1. Wow, I've read through all of your posts and I had no idea you were experiencing so much. You are to be commended for taking in someone else's children. I don't know if I could do it.

  2. Thank you so much for commenting! Sometimes (ok most times) it's difficult, but I really enjoy fostering.
